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Case study

Case studies

Case study
31 May 2016

For CUA, Australia’s largest member-owned financial services provider, deciding to implement CCR was in large part about paving the way for other mutual banks and member-owned financial institutions to do the same.

"Under CCR, we will know more about our customers’ credit histories and financial habits, and will be able to use that knowledge to help them make better credit decisions," said Scott North, CUA Chief Risk Officer. 

Case study
31 Oct 2015

For Peter Coe, Chief Risk Officer at BMW Financial Services, being one of the leading auto-financiers to implement CCR is critically important in a highly competitive auto-finance market.

“Banks and other multi-product lenders have access to more readily available information about a customer via a banking relationship. For us, CCR gives us immediate access to a broader picture that
will allow us to make more efficient credit decisions based on an individual’s current credit exposure"


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