Repayment History Information can provide a deeper insight into an individual's serviceability, helping brokers to match them to a suitable lender and loan quickly and take them out of the market sooner.
CCR provides brokers an opportunity to address customer pain points and offer more informed advice, helping the industry rebuild and strengthen relationships with customers.
As of July 2018, 15.3 million Australians are credit active. This infographic highlights trends in traditional negative reporting while CCR data is building such as:
Attributes of the credit active population
Types of credit activity including enquiries by industry and account type
As of October 2017, 27% of the retail credit market have supplied CCR data to Equifax. This infographic provides a pulse check on the industry’s transition to CCR.
As of October 2017, 15.2 million Australians were credit active. This infographic highlights trends in traditional negative reporting whilst CCR data is building.